There was great excitement in St. Aidan’s N.S. as we had a special visit from up and coming author and past pupil David Rudden. David has just had publishers Puffin buy the rights to a new fantasy novel three-book series for teenagers that he is in the process of writing. David’s dad Aidan proudly listened in as he spoke to the children about his first book titled ‘The Borrowed Dark’ which is due to be published in Spring 2016. The pupils listened so attentively as he talked to them about the process of writing a book – from getting inspiration to eventually being published. The pupils were very eager to hear his story and asked lots of interesting questions. He even read an extract from the book. We are very thankful to David for taking time out from his busy schedule to visit us and we wish him all the best. JK ROWLING….WATCH OUT! See the photos of the pupils with David.
Past Pupil David Rudden Visits Us
- Post author:StAidans
- Post published:11 April 2014
- Post category:Archive 2013 2014