Míle Buíochas Ann!!

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🙏 Throwback to a special evening on Friday 21st October 2022 where the St. Aidan’s National School community got to say thank you, and wish Ann Maguire, principal of St. Aidan’s National School Bawnboy for the past 15 years, for her enormous contribution to our school community. A huge thank you to Isabel Rofé for capturing such lovely photographs on the evening too, and for all her wonderful work with Templeport Development Association. A very special celebratory mass was held in St. Mogue’s Church where the children in St. Aidans sang songs and performed while Ann, Father Sean, and Mr Rudden shared some lovely words in saying thank you to Ann for her vast contribution to our school. A large crowd met down in the school afterwards for presentations from the Board of Management, Parents Association, children and staff, followed by tea/refreshments, memories and catch-ups. Ann has had a remarkable impact on the children she has taught for the past 36 years. She spent 15 years in Bawn, 5 in Ballyconnell, Kildallan and also Glenfarne, where she started her teaching career. That’s some amount of children that Ann has seen grow, develop and flourish into the individuals she encouraged them to be. Ann has worked hard to teach children the skills they need to realise their full potential in life. She has often gone above and beyond of what is expected of a teacher, and of a principal. She has shown dedication, and understanding to her young charges as she prepared them for lives full of promise, bringing each child with her and never leaving one behind. Ann has made a huge difference to their lives and will forever be in their memories and their hearts. She has guided, nurtured, inspired so many young people for many years. Retirement is the end of one phase of life and the beginning of a new and exciting chapter. As you mark another important event in the journey of your life, we wish you the most rewarding retirement ever. Every joy and happiness wished you to you Ann, and thank you so much for everything you have done, and continue to do, for St. Aidan’s N.S!! 🙏